April 17, 2020

We present the newest information for students who are interested in working in our laboratory.

研究室の最新の紹介記事です。Newest information on laboratory activities.

日本語はこちら。For English, crick here.


April 7, 2020

Please contact me through e-mail (masai-hs[at mark]igakuken.ot.jp)

You can discuss and ask questions on Skype!

Please crick here for better viewing of the summary.

March 9, 2020

We are now recruiting new students (including undergraduate students who plan to advance to the master course).

I am happy to answer you questions on Skype. Please contact me at “masai-hs[at mark]igakuken.or.jp”.

Please see here for more information. Please see here for information about the research activities.

Please scroll down and you will see information in English.


February 6, 2020 New students being recruited now! Foreign students are very welcome!

We are recruiting new students who are interested in pressing research in our laboratory. We have several route by which foreign students can join our laboratory as a graduate student.

We are particularly interested in foreign students who may be interested in our research. We currently have students from Taiwan, Honking, Vietnam and France (planning to join in May).

If you are in a hurry, just see the Summary (here).