Research Support TOP Basic Tech TLO TR

Technology Licensing Office

Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science aim to enhance the citizen’s health welfare by applying its research discovey to actual prediction/diagnosis/treatment for patients’ befnefit.

To achieve this aim, Technology Licensing Office was established in 2002 as a bridge between academia and industry.


  • Patent and license the research discovery
  • Manage joint/contracted researches with private corporations, and promote cooperation and coordination between industry-academia-government
  • Plan and organize meetings of our researchers with private corporations and other organizations
  • Search for "Research Seeds" generated at the institute


General manager Kazumasa Aoki Ph.D.
Senior manager Nobuko Takamatsu
  • Takeshi Osakabe M.Eng.
  • Ryoko Tsukahara Ph.D.
  • Yuko Kawakami
  • Yuta Suzuki
  • Rie Abe
  • Kurumi Inoue
  • Yuko Hasebe
  • Yuko Ito
  • Yoko Sugiyama
  • Asako Sasamoto