Circadian Clock Project

Circadian RNA Biology – How do RNAs regulate circadian rhythms?

演者 Shihoko Kojima
Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Fralin Life Sciences Institute, Virginia Tech
会場 医学研講堂(Zoomとのハイブリッド形式)
日時 2022年12月22日(木)16:00~


I am a molecular and cellular chronobiologist, and have long been interested in understanding how RNA-mediated regulatory mechanisms give rise to circadian gene expression, crucial for driving rhythmic physiology and behavior. Over the course of my career, I have demonstrated that diverse RNA-mediated gene regulatory mechanisms, with miRNAs, 3’ untranslated regions, RNA-binding proteins, poly (A) tails, poly(A) deadenylases, and more recently lncRNAs, all control the phase and amplitude of rhythmic RNA and protein accumulation across the circadian cycle. My laboratory also takes an interdisciplinary approach and integrates experimental “wet” lab techniques with computational “dry” tools to design experiments as well as to interpret data based on computational predictions.

In this talk, I will discuss a) roles of RNA in regulating mammalian circadian rhythms, b) benefits and challenges of dry-wet integration, and c) future perspectives on the circadian “big data”. The talk will also be highly interactive, mimicking the classroom in the U.S. higher education, and audience participation will be welcome and highly encouraged.