

11月7日(月)午後5-6時に松沢病院大会議室で松沢病院創立143年記念日セミナーが開催されますので、ご案内申し上げます。 セミナー講師は国際神経精神薬理学会(CINP)理事長のJoseph Zohar先生です。 都医学研など松沢病院外からも自由にご参加いただけるので、ぜひ多数の皆様にご参加いただければ嬉しく思います。

A4 ポスター
日 時 11月7日(月)午後5-6時
会 場 松沢病院大会議室
講 師 Joseph Zohar国際神経精神薬理学会理事長
演 題 Standards of Care for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
抄 録 Over the past 30 years the diagnosis has been focused on clinically based syndromes. Accordingly in DSM-IV, OCD was part of anxiety disorder. One way to harness neuroscience to improve classification is to look beyond the phonotype (the symptoms) - to study the endophenotype. By adapting this approach instead of looking at the symptoms we integrate external validators deriving from neuroscience like: brain circuitry, cognitive style, genetics and underlying pathology into the diagnosis process.
Using this approach; utilizing the endophenotypical approach, led to classification changes in what was named "anxiety" in DSM-IV.
Part of those changes include OCD removal from anxiety disorders and recognizing OCD not only as a separate disorder, but also extending it to a group of disorders; OCD spectrum and related disorders (OCRD). OCRD includes, in addition to OCD, body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), hoarding, trichotillomania, and skin picking (excoriation). Looking at the prevalence of OCD including OCRD point out that the prevalence in general population is actually more than 9%.
The other significant and clinically relevant changes that were done are including insight specifier in DSM-5. In this specifier, there are 3 levels of insights: good or fair insight, poor insight and absent insight\delusional belief. By doing so, it is possible (according to DSM-5) to be delusional (i.e. moving from the ego dystonic to egosyntonic) and still be diagnosed as OCD.
What is unique about OCD is the specific response to serotonergic medications - only serotonergic medications appear to be effective as the first line treatment for OCD. Another unique feature is that usually higher doses of serotonergic reuptake inhibitor are needed in the treatment of OCD. Tics are often related to OCD; accordingly, tics related specifier was added to the diagnostic process of OCD. Once tic is identified, augmentation with small dose of D2 partial agonist (e.g. Aripiprazole 2.5 mg) or dopamine blocker (e.g. Risperdal 0.5 mg) is considered the treatment of choice.
Key element in the treatment of OCD is exposure and response prevention (ERP) and this include the patient, but also the family. Assessment of family accommodation and preventing it via family education and training is an essential element in successful treatment of OCD and OCRD.
In this lecture, case presentations, illustrating the above mentioned concepts will be presented.
問い合せ先 東京都立松沢病院 総務課
電話 03-3303-7211

Zohar先生は強迫性障害(OCD)や外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD)の研究と臨床の大家でいらっしゃいます。 今回はOCDについてお話しいただきます。Zohar先生については、以下のCINPウェブサイトまたはバイオスケッチをご参照いただければ幸いです。
CINP Executive Committee 2021 - 2022

Professor Zohar is an Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. He is also the President of the International College of Neuropsychopharmacology(CINP)and Past-President of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology(ECNP). Professor Zohar founded and chair the task force of Neuroscience based Nomenclature(NbN). He also founded the Israeli consortium on PTSD, and the International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders(ICOCS). Prof. Zohar is also a board member of the International Master in Affective Neuroscience and a member of the European Group for Study of Resistant Depression(GSRD).
He has authored over 400 papers and authored or co-authored 19 books focusing on Resistant Depression, OCD, PTSD, and Neuroscience based Nomenclature(NbN), and was the founding associate editor of CNS Spectrums and of the World Journal of Biological Psychiatry.
Professor Zohar has been honored with several awards, including the Fogarty International Research Fellowship Award(1984), the A.E. Bennet Award for Clinical Research(1986 and 2002), ECNP Neuroscience Award for Clinical Research(1998), the WFSBP Award for Excellence in Education (2001), the Life Achievement Award by the Israeli Psychiatric Association (2018), Award for Clinicians-Researchers Collaboration Study in Psychiatry, by The Israel Society for Biological Psychiatry and The National Institute of Psychobiology in Israel(2019), and Mentor Award by Israel Society of Biological Psychiatry(2021).
Professor Zohar has received funding(RO1)from the National Institute of Mental Health(NIMH)to explore secondary prevention of PTSD(2012), from NATO(2018)to develop a guideline on the treatment in the‘Golden Hours'after a terror attack. He is also the Co-Chair of the EU COST grant on Problematic Use of Internet PUI(2017), and the USA Department of Defense (DoD)Grant(in collaboration with Mount Sinai hospital, NY)on Hydrocortisone‘, Golden Hours’and secondary prevention of PTSD(2019).

日本神経精神薬理学会と日本臨床精神神経薬理学会との両者の機関誌である、Neuropsychopharmacology Reports (NPPR)誌の合同編集委員会において、Zohar先生には、海外より著名な先生方を招聘して、日本の研究者や臨床家と交流していただくとともに、NPPRに総説をご執筆いただくこととしております。
Zohar先生は教育や研究者交流に積極的な先生ですので、ぜひ今回をZohar先生との交流の機会としていただければ幸いです。 CINPは60年以上前に設立された学会で、精神・神経疾患治療薬の作用機序解明、創薬、適正使用などで世界を牽引しています。 歴代理事長にはノーベル賞受賞者のArvid Carlsson先生やヤンセンファーマ創設者のPaul Janssen先生などがいらっしゃいます。 2024年5月23-26日にCINP世界大会を東京で開催いたしますので、ぜひ多くの皆様にご発表・ご参加いただきたいと願っております。日本での開催は、1990年の京都大会以来となり、34年ぶり2度目の開催です。 Zohar先生のセミナー、交流、NPPR誌、CINP大会など、どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。



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