臨床データの収集・解析とともに、Parkinson病(Parkinson’s disease: PD)患者で問題となる精神症状である衝動制御障害(Impulsive control disorder: ICD)のうち主にドパミン調節障害(Dopamine dysregulation syndrome: DDS)、アパシーの病態を再現したモデルマウスを作製し、それらを用いて病態解明や治療法の検討を行う。
依存症プロジェクト 藤田雅代
都立神経病院 脳神経内科 興津雅人
The 8th Congress of the Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (AsCNP 2023) 演題名:Dopamine dysregulation syndrome-like behavior in bilateral dorsal striatum 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned Parkinson‘s disease model mice. 2023年9月22~24日(ポスター発表) PDF
演題名:Dopamine dysregulation syndrome-like behavior in bilateral dorsal striatum 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned Parkinson's disease model mice. 2023年5月31日(ポスター発表)PDF
35th World Congress Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum (CINP 2024)
演題名:Transversal investigation of apathic behaviors in a Parkinson’s disease mouse model with 6-hydroxydopamine lesioning in the bilateral dorsal striatum. 2024年5月25日(ポスター発表)
JSNP Excellent Presentation Award for AsCNP 2023 受賞
ORIGINAL RESEARCH article Front. Neurol., 11 March 2020 Sec. Applied Neuroimaging Volume 11 - 2020 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2020.00179 Assessment and Rating of Motor Cerebellar Ataxias With the Kinect v2 Depth Sensor: Extending Our Appraisal
Int. J. Mol. Sci. (2022) 23, 7436
Therapeutic Effects of Quetiapine and 5-HT1A Receptor Agonism on Hyperactivity in Dopamine-Deficient Mice
Molecular Brain (2020)13:126 Increase in excitability of hippocampal neurons during novelty-induced hyperlocomotion in dopamine-deficient mice
第60回日本神経学会学術大会(2019/5/22-25)Analysis of neuronal excitability in hyperlocomotive dopamine deficient mice
The 10th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience(2019/9/21-25)Effects of serotonergic drugs on dopamine-deficient mice.
The 6th Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology(2019/10/11-13)Analysis of the effects of serotonin related drugs on hyperlocomotion in dopamine-deficient mice.
第61回日本神経学会学術大会(2020/8/31-9/2)Effects of serotonergic drugs on hyperlocomotive dopamine-deficient mice
Neurology meeting in 北多摩 (2021/9/17) 初回入院後の経過からパーキンソン病精神症状を考える
7th Congress of AsCNP (2021/10/22-23) 5-HT1A agonist improves psychiatric hyperlocomotion in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease caused by dopamine deficiency.
60th Annual Meeting of ACNP (2021/12/5-8) 5HT1A agonist is involved in psychiatric symptoms in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease, and suppressing activity of the median raphe nucleus may be the key.
The Lancet Summit (2021/12/14-16) The 5HT-1A receptor targeted drugs may help to prevent the appearance of psychosis with Parkinson’s disease.
Ochiai Y, Fujita M, Hagino Y, Kobayashi K, Okiyama R, Takahashi K, Ikeda K
The therapeutic effects of 5-HT1A receptor agonist on the psychomotor hyperactivity in dopamine-deficient mice.
33rd CINP World Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology, Virtual & Taipei, Taiwan