

Set-up and development of EUCOMS Network

− この都医学研セミナーは終了しました。 −

演者 Jeroen Decoster, MD PhD
UPC Sint-Kamillus Bierbeek (Medical Director)
会場 東京都医学総合研究所 2BC会議室
日時 平成30年12月14日(金)14:00〜
世話人 西田 淳志 心の健康プロジェクトリーダー
参加自由 詳細は下記問合せ先まで
お問い合わせ 研究推進課 普及広報係
電話 03-5316-3109


Service providers throughout Europe have identified the need to define standards for high quality community- based mental health care to organize their own services and to inform governments, commissioners and funders. It all started in June 2015 with a breakfast meeting on the EOAF-congress in Oslo (Norway). And in 2016, after some preparatory interviews and conference calls, representatives of mental health care service providers, networks, umbrella organizations and knowledge institutes in Europe came together to establish the European Community Mental Health Services Provider (EUCOMS) Network. This network developed shared values and ambitions, leading to a shared vision on the principles and key elements of community mental health care in different contexts. This resulted in a comprehensive consensus paper, which will be presented during the lecture. Discussion among EUCOMS network members resulted in a blueprint for a regional model of integrated mental health care based upon six principles. High quality community-based mental health care i) protects human rights; ii) has a public health focus; iii) support service users in their recovery journey; iv) makes use of effective interventions based on evidence and client goals; v) promotes a wide network of support in the community and; vi) makes use of peer expertise in service design and delivery. Once the shared vision was crystalized in the consensus document, the EUCMS Network started to plan the establishment of EUCOMS as a foundation. A proposal for a governance and financial structure was presented to the EUCOMS meeting of October 2018 in Malaga (Spain) to discuss with all EUCOMS participants. Overall there was an agreement that there is a need to formalize the network as a foundation. The received feedback is being assimilated to form a first draft of statutes that will be sent out to the members by half December 2018. And the statutes will be finalized within the steering group meeting in January 2019. By the end of the year EUCOMS as a foundation should be a fact. Before the next meeting in Lille (France) the first annual plan and the new staff members of EUCOMS should be presented.
